
radical feminist goals for 2021

Radical Feminist Goals for 2021

We’re 9 days into the new year and the best way to start this year is to have a list of goals, in our case, radical feminist goals for 2021.

Last year has shown how far back we have regressed in society when Amnesty Ireland, a human rights organisation signed a letter calling for the media and politicians to no longer provide women legitimate representation. What’s our crime? Defending biology.

Click the photo to read an opinion piece on the chilling effect of this letter.

It’s the same in every “progressive” country. In Australia, for example, Senator Claire Chandler was maligned for fighting to save women’s sports. In the US, it’s Tulsi Gabbard. Gender ideology denies there are biological differences between males and females and that once someone has chosen their gender, their biological make up will be of that gender like magic. If it’s in your head then it must be true. Speaking of magic, one of the women who was viciously maligned and attacked, with thousands of accounts wishing her dead was beloved fantasy and crime author JK Rowling. The outrage was first over the term used to describe women “People who menstruate” and then the vicious attacks came after her essay where she explained her position.

“I refuse to bow down to a movement that I believe is doing demonstrable harm in seeking to erode ‘woman’ as a political and biological class and offering cover to predators like few before it. I stand alongside the brave women and men, gay, straight and trans, who’re standing up for freedom of speech and thought, and for the rights and safety of some of the most vulnerable in our society: young gay kids, fragile teenagers, and women who’re reliant on and wish to retain their single sex spaces.”

It was also last year when Amnesty Ireland pushed for full decriminalisation of the sex trade during its 3-year review and used UglyMugs.ie as a reference which is owned by pimp McCormick & partner Campbell.

Where the old misogynists in Ireland hid under the flag of the Catholic Church, the modern misogynists are hiding under a new religion–gender identity, it’s got plenty of flags, it’s supported by big corporations and it involves denial of material reality.

The denial of material reality, which results in us losing words that describe us such as “woman” and “female” means it’s harder for us to fight for women’s issues. We need to be able to name ourselves—women as a sex class and political class in order for us to retain and fight for our rights.

radical feminist goals 2021

So, here are our radical feminist goals for 2021:

– Introduce radical feminism text to more women and young girls so they can critically look at the discrimination and challenges women face simply for being born female

– Clear and accessible language that uses the word girl or woman to describe young and adult human females especially when it comes to healthcare

– Lobby to retain single-sex spaces and lobby for 3rd spaces for trans individuals so their needs can be catered for while keeping girls and women safe

– Amplify “End FGM” campaigns

– Amplify “Girls Not Brides” campaigns 

– Highlight the harms of porn so we can reframe society’s mindset

– Amplify “Fight the New Drug” and “Trafficking Hub” campaigns

– Start a campaign to highlight the grooming of young girls to sell themselves on OnlyFans

– Amplify voices of women who have exited the sex trade to highlight the need to abolish prostitution

– Reduce objectification of girls and women

– Promote healthy, consensual and non violent sex and emphasise that BDSM, being spat on, strangulated or slapped aren’t acceptable

– Amplify “We Can’t Consent to This” campaign to end ‘rough sex’ defence

– Spread Domestic violence support and awareness 

– Spread Sexual violence support and awareness

– Highlight the harms of surrogacy 

– Highlight women’s unpaid work at home as carers and mothers and campaign for better support 

– Lobby for education and better opportunities for women in lower socio-economic backgrounds so they don’t have to turn to prostitution 

– Better healthcare for female-specific issues such as Cervical cancer, PCOS, Endometriosis etc.

There are plenty more issues we’d like to focus on, specifically addressing all the other forms of male violence against girls and women but here are just some we’d like to aim towards this year.

What are your radical feminist goals for 2021?  

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  1. Triona Marrinan

    Hi RadiCailin,

    I’m so glad I found this site, I’ve been worried about the lack of representation of and education of ordinary women in Ireland. Most women are not aware of how our rights are being slowly eroded and ignored, whilst the few of us that do are called Mad, or Bigots, or worse.

    Im sharing this link with all my friends.

    Thank you !


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