We have recently been contacted by a woman, Amy, who is in need of help with promoting her GoFundMe page. Amy is a British-Pakistani lesbian currently facing the threat of deportation.
Amy moved to the UK with her family when she was 9 years old and it was here where she discovered her sexuality at age 12. This led her to renounce the religion she was born into, Islam, as the teachings were no longer in line with her own personal beliefs.
Her father found out she was a lesbian after looking throough her phone and took her on plane back to Pakistan without her mother’s knowledge. While living in Pakistan, her father became both psychologically and physically abusive towards her and afforded her absolutely no privacy. When he discovered Amy had met a new girlfriend online his abuse became even more severe and this was facilitated by his family and culture.
Thankfully, when she turned 18 she gathered funding through donations and working online and received help from the British embassy to flee to Hungary where she currently lives with her partner.
Alas, Amy’s safety is under threat once again. Recently, the Security of State of the UK found that her parent’s citizenship was obtained through fraud as they claimed to be from Afghanistan but are in actuality, from Pakistan. This means Amy’s UK citizenship is also considered fraudulent despite the fact that she was a non-complicit minor at the time.
Legal advisors have informed Amy that there is hope for her to stay in the UK given the fact she was a non-complicit minor and also because deporting a lesbian woman who has renounced Islam to Pakistan, a country where both of these acts are considered criminal offences under section 259,298 and 377, is a clear human rights violation.
Unfortunately fighting this human rights violation will not be cheap. It will cost her over £5000 to fight to remain in Europe and safe from her father whose wrath she fears deeply.
- Attorney for advice and representation: £2,000 – £2,500
- Fees for applying for essential documents: £400 – £500
- 1 month living expenses in Hungary should she lose her job: £600
- 1 month living expenses in UK should she have to claim asylum: £2000
Please, if you have the means, donate below to help protect this woman from unjust deportation.